Data rules are a set of conditional statements that can be used to alter the appearance of your diagram based on your data.
Getting Started
To create a new rule, select Apply Data Rules in the Data tab to the left of your work area.
Assign a name to your new rule and then establish the rule parameters.
- In the first column select the name of the data the rule applies to.
- In the second column is a list of statements.
- In the third column define the statement.
- In the fourth column set the action the rule applies when the statement is true. You can also select And/Or to further define your rule.
Apply Data Rules
Once a data rule has been created, it can be applied to the data in your diagram.
Select a shape that has shape data attached and select Apply Data Rules to choose the rule you want to apply. You can use Select All in the Home tab to quickly apply data rules to the entire diagram.
Manage Data Rules
To edit your existing data rules, select the Actions dropdown menu in the Data tab to the left of the work area.
From here you can assign a new rule name, redefine rule parameters, or delete rule.
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